31 January, 2009

Exciting things on the horizon!!

In about eight hours from right now, I am going to meet my host family!!  They are an old couple (the husband is 69 and the wife is 62) who only live half an hour away from campus! Then, tomorrow is my first day of classes!  I am taking a pottery class and a pop culture class, and of course my Japanese speaking and writing classes!!  
Last night we went to this 焼き肉 place that is 食べ放題.  I ate so much I thought that I was going to puke but it was really fun!!  I don't have any pictures because I was the grill master!


Kate Giggleface said...

you are going to take a japanese pottery class?!?!? holy shit.

katy mommy

smiles said...

I love 焼き肉 big time,as you know -- welcome you taking over my grill master gig. Oh ho I want you to have the very best!!!!