Not much happened this was mostly test taking and paper writing. One day it looked like it was going to rain while we were eating lunch, and my friend made a Teru Teru Bouzu:
(my friend named Teru made it!! So it was Teru no teru teru bouzu!) And you are supposed to hang it a certain way to either make rain come or prevent rain for the next day. Since ours was kind of horizonal, the next day was a little rainy and a little sunny, so we saw a rainbow! (True
And so this weekend I let off a little bit of steam. Friday night we went to karaoke which was fun. I could not talk much when I woke up, which I suppose is a good sign. Saturday morning, thus, was a little slow and so I took some time to catch up on Lost, courtesy of my boyfriend. My friend Jason called me and said that we must go get food and drinks somewhere in Osaka and I said sure. Boy, was I in for an adventure...

So, it turned out that Jason had a keep bottle at The Ritz, and after we finished that, we went to Kyoto.
It was a fun/crazy night overall. Waking up in Kyoto and not really realizing that I'm in Kyoto, not Osaka, was interesting...
View from hotel room
Funny restaurant that we passed. It was beef take-out!
That's all for now. I have a test tomorrow, so I gotta hit the books!
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