That is a quote from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. Charlie says it after he has stolen and eaten Frank's "human meat".
Anyways, I have loads of pictures because I haven't given you guys an update in a while. This may or may not be chronological.
So, last Sunday (one week ago) I went to Byoudoin (Phoenix Pavillion) in Kyoto. It was fun and pretty. And if you don't know what it looks like, Masa and I will show you!
And then, because we were in Kyoto, and there's green tea everywhere, we got some green tea soft ice-cream. It had green tea powder on it. It really gave you surge of energy and turned your mouth green.
Yeah, and then I found the saddest one and stood on it.
If you are under the age of 18, or faint of heart, turn around and go home.
Yesterday, a bunch of us went to this great store called Don Quihote (ドン・キホテー)and found some interesting things. Consider this:

And this is where it gets real. I found this porno in the...well... porno section and found it highly disturbing. And awesome. And funny.
For those of you who can't read Japanese or understand what's going on in the picture, that's a nursing home. It's a nursing home porno! What the FFFF!!!!?!?!?!!!?!?!?!?!!

And look, Mariah Carey for about one U.S. dollar. Hooray!

Alright kids, that's about all I got for now. I hope you are all enjoying your respective lives.
1 comment:
yesh eet eez rearry for mee
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