25 April, 2009


This is the outside of Takarazuka.  It took up like an hour and a half to get here.  You bet I took a picture.
These are the Takarazuka stairs the my teacher likes. 

This is Patrick.

This is my friend, Masa.  I think he was pointing to the chandeliers, which he probably said were "fierce".  Yes, I taught him that.
Takarazuka is an all-female production with amazing stage changes and tons of flamboyant costumes (bright colors and glitter).  The people there are mostly women and there is a whole culture for when to clap for your favorite actress and the women get really into the women that play male roles and it's crazy bizarre.
I apologize for how late this is, it's really embarrassing.  You must know that I do care about you and love you all, but I have been busy.  

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