04 February, 2009

The Light at the End of the Tunnel

Ok so. It turns out that my excitement was met with great disappointment. All the concerns I harbored about my host family turned out to be reality, a harsher reality than I could bear. Of all the possible things I could have asked for in a host family, the only thing I got was a set of drawers to put my belongings in. My initial reaction to my homestay situation would turn out to be the mere tip of the proverbial iceberg, and, as my mother said, the life lesson here is not how much I can endure. So, I am currently making the changes I need to be a happier and thus heathier human. I truly wish this was not the case; I so desire a host family from the bottom of my selfish heart, but this time it was just not the right fit. This is surely no reflection of the host parents themselves, seeing as how they seemed very happy to have me around. However, I must do what will be best for myself and staying with the Umeda family is certainly not it.
This is the reason that I fell off for a little.
Soon to be back in full effect, y'all.


smiles said...

Amen. Love ya mucho. Wanna read more blog!!!!

Unknown said...

That's too bad that it didn't work out :( O well!
things are interesting so far in 日本語のクラス... we're doing individual semester-long projects on top of the regular coursework and i'm doing mine on samurai films